AgRP and Oxytocin Neurons in the mouse brain
This video illustrates the distribution of AgRP fibers and Oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus of a mouse brain. The brain has been cleared using iDisco and stained immunohistochemically. AgRP is depicted in green, Oxytocin in violet, and HuCD in red.
Created by Dr. Kit-Yi Yam and Dr. Jose Maldonado
Visualization of PPG Neurons in the NTS and Projections to PVH
This video illustrates projections of PPG neurons (that contain GLP1) labeled by genetically targeting tdTomato (red) in a whole mouse brain cleared using iDisco. Inset videos depict higher magnification views of PPG neurons in the NTS and labeled terminals in the PVH. All images were captured using light sheet microscopy; the high magnification images utilized a 15x objective.
Created by Dr. Kit-Yi Yam and Dr. Jessica Biddinger
Hypothalamic Projections of MC3R Neurons in Whole Mouse Brain
This video depicts the distribution of MC3R neurons that supply direct inputs to the PVH. Neurons were retrogradely labeled by using AAVretro-FLEX-tdTomato for Cre-dependent targeting of tdTomato fluorescence to neurons with terminals in the PVH.
Created by Dr. Michelle Bedenbaugh
Coronal Resampling of MC3R Neurons that Project to the PVH in Whole Mouse Brain
This video depicts the distribution of MC3R neurons that supply direct inputs to the PVH as it appears when viewed in a coronal resampling from rostral to caudal.
Created by Dr. Michelle Bedenbaugh
Visualization of MC3R Neurons in 3D
Animated visualization of tdTomato-labeled MC3R neurons viewed from mid-brain to thalamus in a mouse brain brain cleared with SHIELD.
Created by Dr. Michelle Bedenbaugh