Selected Publications

Melanocortin-3 Receptor Is a Pharmacological Target for the Regulation of Anorexia

Sweeney, P.#, Bedenbaugh, M.N.#, Maldonado, J., Pan, P., Fowler, K. Williams, S.Y., Gimenez, L.E., Ghamari-Langroudi, M., Downing, G., Joy, S.T., Mapp, A.K., Simerly, R.B.*, and Cone, R.D.* (2020, In Revision). 
#These authors contributed equally to this work
*Corresponding authors

Leptin Specifies Development and Postsynaptic Impact of GLP1-Mediated Visceral Sensory Inputs to the Paraventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus 

Biddinger, J.E., Lazarenko, R., Scott, M.M., and Simerly, R.B. (2020) eLife, 9:e59857

DNA Methylation in AgRP Neurons Regulates Voluntary Exercise Behavior in Mice

MacKay, H., Scott, C., Duryea, J.D., Baker, M.S., Laritsky, E., Elson, A.I., Garland T. Jr, Fiorotto, M.L., Chen, R., Li Y., Coarfa, C., Simerly R.B. and Waterland R.A. (2019) Nat Commun. 10:5364-5375.

A Critical Period for the Trophic Actions of Leptin on AgRP Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus

Kamitakahara, A., Bouyer, K., Wang, C.-H., and Simerly, R.B. (2017) J Comp Neurol 526: 133–145. 
Noted by journal as top 20 most downloaded 2017-2018

Developmental Specification of Metabolic Circuitry

Elson, A.E.T. and Simerly, R.B. (2015) Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 39:38-51.

Organization of the Hypothalamus

Simerly, R.B. (2015) The Rat Nervous System, 4th edition, Chp. 13, pp 2267-294. George Paxinos, ed. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.

Neonatal Leptin Exposure Specifies Innervation of Presympathetic Hypothalamic Neurons and Improves the Metabolic Status of Leptin-Deficient Mice

Bouyer, K. and Simerly, R.B. (2013) J. Neurosci 9;33(2):840-51.

Postnatal Dietary Fatty Acid Composition Permanently Affects the Structure of Hypothalamic Pathways Controlling Energy Balance in Mice

Schipper, L., Bouyer, K., Oosting, A., Simerly R.B., VanderBeek, E. (2013) Am J Clin Nutr. 98(6):1395-1401.

Distinct Roles of Specific Leptin Receptor Signals in the Development of Hypothalamic Feeding Circuits

Bouret, S.G., Bates, S.H., Chen, S., Myers, M.G. Jr., and Simerly, R.B. (2012) J. Neurosci 25;32(4):1244-52.

Estrogen Induces Caspase-Dependent Cell Death During Hypothalamic Development

Waters E.M. and Simerly R.B. (2009) J. Neurosci. 29:9714-8

Sexual Differentiation of the Central Nervous System

Simerly, R.B. (2009) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 4th edition, Larry R. Squire, editor-in-chief, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego.

Hypothalamic Neural Projections Are Permanently Disrupted in Diet-Induced Obese Rats

Bouret S.G., Gorski, J.N., Patterson, C.M., Chen, S., Levin B.E., and Simerly, R.B. (2008) Cell Metab., 7(2):179:185, 2008.

Ontogeny of Projections From the Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus in the Female Rat

Polston E.K. and Simerly, R.B. (2006) J. Comp. Neurology 495:122-132.

Development of Connections Between the Medial Nucleus of the Amygdala and the Principal Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in the Rat

Cooke B.M. and Simerly, R.B. (2005) J. Comp Neurol. 489:42-58, 2005.

Formation of Projection Pathways From the Arcuate Nucleus of the Hypothalamus to Hypothalamic Regions Implicated in the Neural Control of Feeding Behavior in Mice

Bouret, S.G. and Simerly, R.B. (2004)  J. Neurosci., 24:2797-2805.

Trophic Action Of Leptin On Hypothalamic Neurons That Regulate Feeding

Bouret, S.G., Drapper, S., and Simerly, R.B. (2004) Science, 304:108-110.

Sexual Differentiation of Projections From the Principal Nucleus of the Bed Nuclei of the Stria Terminalis

Gu G.B., Cornea A., and Simerly, R.B. (2003) J Comp Neurol., 460: 542-562.

Wired for Reproduction: Organization and Development of Sexually Dimorphic Circuits in the Mammalian Forebrain

Simerly, R.B. (2002) Ann. Rev. Neurosci. 25: 507-536.

Target Dependent Sexual Differentiation of a Limbic-Hypothalamic Neural Pathway

Ibanez, M.A., Gu, G., and Simerly, R.B. (2001) J. Neurosci., 21 (15): 5652-5659.